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Our TechCode co-working space is colorful and international. Typical Berlin, huh? Well, who walks by our rooms may be pleased to hear a lot of English words and? Chinese! To kick off the Fintech Summit AsiaBerlin, TechCode hosted the "Connecting DLT Communities; the Chinese blockchain delegation visits Berlin"-meetup. We spoke with Christian Trumm, FinTech Advisor, Board Member & Conference Host of the - Fintech Summit AsiaBerlin @ Asia-Pacific Week Berlin. Why having a Fintech Asia Summit in Berlin? “Berlin is an exciting, creative and cosmopolitan FinTech location. This is where consumer...

To speak at the Finovate is always special. Not only this conference attracts an amazing high-impact audience of financial and banking executives, it is also straightforward about product demos and pitches, while at most other conferences the product pitch always has to be shamefully hidden behind theses on the latest developments and future scenarios. At FinovateAsia in Hong Kong, we already convinced the audience with the beta of our YUKKA News & Trend Labs and brought the Best of Show award home. Beginning of March, Oliver Berchtold and Andreas Pusch...