
Am 21. Oktober startete der Batch 5 des Wiener weXelerate, am 29. Jänner wurde die aktuelle Runde des Innovationsnetzwerks erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Dabei lief in diesem Batch vieles anders als in vorherigen Runden. Bereits in der Auswahl ist der frühere Plan, Corporate-Startup- Matches zu suchen, weiterentwickelt worden: Denn nun wurden Startups und Projekte in den Fokus gerückt, die mit mehreren Corporate Partnern gemeinsam arbeiten können – um so mehr Synergien zu ermöglichen.  Wien , wir kommen wieder! https://brutkasten.com/wexelerate-batch-5/ ...

With the 2020 US presidential election just around the corner, we take a final look at the sentiment surrounding the two presidential candidates. As we can see in the figure down below, throughout the past month, the sentiment lead has switched regularly between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. However, since October 25th, Biden's sentiment has managed to stay ahead of that of Trump. Furthermore, Joe Biden is recently getting more attention in the news as well, a relevant factor that often goes unrecognized. The number of news that talk about...

12 Start-ups haben es ins Scale-up-Programm des Fintech-Inkubators F10 geschafft. Über 80 Teams hatten sich für die Teilnahme am 3-monatigen Bootcamp beworben. Das Scale-up-Programm soll den Teilnehmern die Möglichkeit bieten, Prototypen und Proof-of-Concepts zu entwickeln sowie mit Schweizer Banken, Versicherern und der Börsenbetreiberin Six zusammenzuarbeiten, wie es in einer Mitteilung heisst. https://www.netzwoche.ch/news/2020-04-24/diese-12-start-ups-kommen-unter-die-fittiche-von-f10-fintech ...

Insurtech Europe, Plug and Play's Insurtech platform based in Munich, Germany, announced the 14 startups that have been selected for its third batch. The winter program aims to facilitate opportunities for pilots, POCs, and new relationships between the selected batch startups and Plug and Play's global ecosystem with a special focus on the corporate partners Munich Re, Generali, Versicherungskammer Bayern, Talanx, Irish Life, Willis Towers Watson, Swiss Re, Covea and the most recently, Baloise. https://www.finanzen.net/nachricht/aktien/plug-and-play-insurtech-selects-14-startups-for-batch-three-of-their-insurtech-europe-program-8062492 ...

After intensive weeks of preparation, yesterday evening was the day: the starting shot was fired for the new avaloq.one ecosystem, which connects fintechs and banks smartly and efficiently. Fintechs get direct access to the 150+ connected banks behind Avaloq with an onboarding procedure that can be completed within 30min. The banks, on the other hand, can use avaloq.one to easily and uncomplicatedly include the appropriate fintech solutions in their customer offering. Andreas Pusch, CEO YUKKA Lab AG: "We are delighted to be taking on the pioneering role here and to be...

Great event at April 10th from WebFinancialGroup about „Success factor personalization in Wealth Management“, where theScreener, themarket, awp as well as us presented what we can contribute and offer to augment personalized wealth management customer experiences. It was a pleasure to present how we can augment advisory with our state of the art analytics platform empowering advisors to cut through the noise and be the trusted advisor their customers are looking for. Relevant interactions based on customers actual interests, paired with a compelling storytelling and personalized advice are the key if...

Ever heard of Ping An or Zhong An? Two Chinese companies that they are on the verge of taking over the global lead when it comes to artificial intelligence in Financial Services industry. When Oliver Berchtold and Andreas Pusch arrived back from FinovateAsia in Hong Kong they did not only bring the Best of Show award with them but a bunch of new insights and manifold impressions on the Financial Services industry in Asia. Oliver referred in his article on LinkedIn to a keynote held by Paul Schulte, Founder & Editor...