Artificial Intelligence Tag

At YUKKA Lab we are often asked how the YUKKA analysis of documents compares to a human analyst reading the same documents. In this blog article, we address this question by comparing human and machine performance in text reading and understanding. How do humans read? When reading, human eyes fixate at certain positions in the text moving swiftly further. Knowledge of the language allows performing structural analysis of the text almost simultaneously, leading to a representation of the meaning. World and domain knowledge provide the necessary context both for producing the correct...

A forecast based on current sentiments in the YUKKA Lab News Lab. It has been a difficult last week for tech and software sectors with both Facebook (FB) and Twitter (TWR) loosing over 20% of their market cap even though EPS (earnings per share) have met (Twitter) or even excelled (Facebook) analyst estimates. The main reason for this loss in share value is similar in both cases but of different origin: user growth has heavily declined in Q2 of 2018. Twitter is finally going after all those fake accounts and accounts...

Have you ever heard of knowledge engineering? Automotive engineers test and optimize prototypes of automobiles, civil engineers develop technical solutions for construction projects and knowledge engineers construct knowledge bases, which enable machines algorithm to think. Let's have a closer look on knowledge engineer's key task. So instead of starting your day in a factory, slipping into a blue overall, knowledge engineers put themselves into their personal construction site, called the office. As in many engineering fields, a great solution is derived from a challenging problem. More specific in our case: customers data...

Mistakes, misunderstandings and missteps. Most of us will do anything to avoid them. In many cases humans find it uncomfortable, not to say humiliating, to even admit to own fallibility. Nevertheless, mistakes are inevitable, not only to humans but also to algorithms. In the fast-paced world we now live in, a big source of such mistakes could be to easily incline toward optimizing what does not really matter! Given that in the financial domain the weight of influential parameters in the market can vary across time in our world of continuous...

To speak at the Finovate is always special. Not only this conference attracts an amazing high-impact audience of financial and banking executives, it is also straightforward about product demos and pitches, while at most other conferences the product pitch always has to be shamefully hidden behind theses on the latest developments and future scenarios. At FinovateAsia in Hong Kong, we already convinced the audience with the beta of our YUKKA News & Trend Labs and brought the Best of Show award home. Beginning of March, Oliver Berchtold and Andreas Pusch...

Once upon a time, there was a researcher, an NLP one. Day by day our hero was writing programs, collecting data, processing it, delivering various analysis and extracting information. What? Doesn't sound like a real story full of magic, dragons, and princesses? Then let me pose a few questions: How often do you ask princess Siri to show you the way to the nearest coffee shop? Have you ever used the knight of translate button on Facebook? Do you use autocorrect feature to fight the error dragons on your mobile? Add countless applications related to machine...