News & Trend Lab insights

A situational sentiment overview and outlook of Brexit and its implications on British airlines based on news sentiments in the YUKKA Lab News Lab News around the all so famous Brexit term have been picking up the pace again, as advisory papers for British companies and inhabitants have been released, discussing how to best prepare for a no-deal Brexit. This paper release has been one of the few occasions in the last weeks where proper consequences have been discussed and revealed, opposed to the usual, more general point of saying “Brexit...

In times of great uncertainty and volatility, we all want to know where and when to invest. And when not. The mood often turns before the prices. Our Augmented Language Intelligence measures whether investors have confidence in the stock markets, whether their gut feeling is "POSITIVE", or whether they prefer to take cover and reduce their investment ratios. What does our short-term model currently show? On 21 September, the Daily Model recommended a substantial reduction in the investment ratio! Since then unchanged in hedging mode. see chart above, left scale: Investment...

Forgetting makes us smarter? It helps in avoiding information overload. In our information-based culture, we all suffer from it. But what if you need to remember to make smarter decisions? Global Banking & Finance Review looked at the Tesla case to prove how helpful a tool can be that helps you remember the things you already forgot. Read it online: Forgetting and Investing: Unlikely Allies ...

An analysis and forecast based on current sentiments in the YUKKA Lab News Lab. CEO Jack Ma has resigned, trade war fears between China and America are regaining attention and competitor Amazon has reached a $1 Trillion valuation. Being called a more promising company than Amazon, Alibaba has to regain its foothold with many changes going on within the company itself and its market environment. In this analysis and forecast, we are going to take a closer look at how the general market sentiment of Alibaba is doing and what the overall...

Do you know what AI has to do with leadership? And why leaders need to do more than talk about it? Our CBD & Co-Founder Oliver Berchtold spoke about it. Read the full article "Harnessing the Power of AI to Predict Market Sentiment" in Global Banking & Finance Review Magazine Issue 12, page 18/19. ...

A forecast based on current sentiments in the YUKKA Lab News Lab. It has been a difficult last week for tech and software sectors with both Facebook (FB) and Twitter (TWR) loosing over 20% of their market cap even though EPS (earnings per share) have met (Twitter) or even excelled (Facebook) analyst estimates. The main reason for this loss in share value is similar in both cases but of different origin: user growth has heavily declined in Q2 of 2018. Twitter is finally going after all those fake accounts and accounts...

What happens when a madman decides to build walls and starts a trade war. Well, you better are on the safe side then. But is there any? And which side is it? Looking in the YUKKA News & Trend Lab We cannot deny the effects of trade wars on all economies. Also, or maybe especially the US shows heavy loss in sentiment. All calculations are made in regards to sentiment changes within the last 4 weeks (Friday, June 8th - Thursday, July 5th) - China: Delta change: 1.59% Maximum Drawdown: 5.14% - USA: Delta...

Everyone who trades shares knows how negative scandals can be for share prices. Just to mention three examples from the past: 1. Boing´s 787 Dreamliner disaster 2. VW´s emissions scandal „Dieselgate“ 3. Steinhoff accounting scandal In the course of these events, the shares of these companies fell significantly. A costly affair if one was not warned in time. Aggregated sentiment indicators function as a valid early warning system and to estimate the impact of scandals. With these sentiments and on the basis of their development, one can easily recognize when a scandal escalates and when it...