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We are going behind the scenes to discover how our in-house data scientist Alexander Pieper uses News Sentiment data to create Buy/Sell Signals for stocks. Transforming unstructured news data into structured signals! A Step-by-Step Guide to transform raw data into an AAPL Trading Signal in Python: Summary and Outlook What did we do in this article? We went from having raw News Sentiment data to having a daily executable investment signal for the Apple stock in only 14 lines of code (excluding backtesting (16 lines) and plots (45 lines)). A portfolio using this...

A situational sentiment overview and outlook of Brexit and its implications on British airlines based on news sentiments in the YUKKA Lab News Lab News around the all so famous Brexit term have been picking up the pace again, as advisory papers for British companies and inhabitants have been released, discussing how to best prepare for a no-deal Brexit. This paper release has been one of the few occasions in the last weeks where proper consequences have been discussed and revealed, opposed to the usual, more general point of saying “Brexit...

A situational sentiment overview and outlook of Brexit and its implications on British airlines based on news sentiments in the YUKKA Lab News Lab News around the all so famous Brexit term have been picking up the pace again, as advisory papers for British companies and inhabitants have been released, discussing how to best prepare for a no-deal Brexit. This paper release has been one of the few occasions in the last weeks where proper consequences have been discussed and revealed, opposed to the usual, more general point of saying “Brexit...

A forecast based on current sentiments in the YUKKA Lab News Lab. It has been a difficult last week for tech and software sectors with both Facebook (FB) and Twitter (TWR) loosing over 20% of their market cap even though EPS (earnings per share) have met (Twitter) or even excelled (Facebook) analyst estimates. The main reason for this loss in share value is similar in both cases but of different origin: user growth has heavily declined in Q2 of 2018. Twitter is finally going after all those fake accounts and accounts...